Money and Politics: The Dangers of Dark Money
By Emily Finkelstein
Hazel Millard, a Senior Research and Program Associate in the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center, discuss how different cities are approaching money-in-politics reform and the dangers that the Citizens United decision imposes upon our democracy. We will also learn about the history of Citizens United and how Congress is working to address money-in-politics reform.
This podcast is also featured on Spotify and Apple Music.
[00:00] Welcome from Emily Finkelstein and an overview of the Citizens United v. FEC landmark case,
[04:20] Hazel Millard begins a discussion on Citizens United, legislation efforts, and dark money in politics.
Guest Speaker
Hazel Millard is a senior research and program associate in the Democracy Program at The Brennan Center for Justice where she focuses on money in politics. Prior to joining the Brennan Center, Millard was a speechwriting intern in the Obama White House and the Office of the Massachusetts Attorney General. Millard graduated summa cum laude from Middlebury College in 2018 with a BA in history.
Emily Finkelstein is a second-year MPA student at NYU Wagner specializing in Public Policy. She is passionate about advocating for and with individuals with disabilities and is eager to share her enthusiasm for the disability rights movement with her fellow Wagner students. Emily currently works at Human Rights First, an action and advocacy organization that challenges America to live up to its ideals. She has a professional background in development, data analysis and management, and program management.